Miazia 27 III

Today we met with Sister Askale in DEug 27 Foundation and she offered to us 4 nice calendar produced by the Empress Menen Foundation: Community Education Empowerment of the Nation,r that will be used by the school to learn about the history of Africa, the independence of the countries, their dates and their main national heroes Shes is a great and faithful follower of the Rastafarian principles for Repatriation, Land Grant and self-dermination and unification of all Rastafari in Ethiopia and the diaspora. She told us about her efforts over the years to participate in the MIAZIA 27 events, on the day of liberation and of the Patriots, groups with which she gained great friendship and admiration since she came to Ethiopia. For her, the Patriots represent a great sign of Ethiopia's unity because of them fidelity and honor they had towards the defence of Nation. “Patriots are worthy examples for Ethiopia of different tribes united for one essential reason which is the liberation of African Man”. Together we will organize the next event to represent this act in its highest value that it deserves. For all Rastas and Pan-Africanists from all over the world, Miazia 27 with the Battle of Adwa represent moments that glorify not only Ethiopia but the entire Continent. For this reason, this must be a moment that must be celebrated and organized by everyone and not be the privilege of a few. The success of all work is the organization and day-to-day work. These dates are not just historical dates but spiritual dates of great value to humanity. In all of Africa there is no equal. Next year, which is already being organized, we are thinking of taking a relative number of people from the community and being more involved in the celebrations, having the right to speak, in addition to creating some productions around them such as Tshirts, Posters, Slogans, Flyiers, article opinion. We also think that extra activities such as music shows, exhibitions, etc. His Imperial Majesty had said that it is not the first time in Ethiopia's history Men and women have served their countries side by side with their Emperors side by side. That mean also side by side we can unite and bring incredible strength to these historic moments that must in turn be carried on for new generations. It is only in this sense that the proposed Anthem for Sister Askale makes sense: we are the Ethiopian volunteer. The new modern system implemented in Ethiopia, across neocolonialism, can be detected by the following signals: 1. Is the non-real recognition of land Grant donated by Her Imperial Majesty Haille Selassie I; 2. The rights of all Africans here in Ethiopia to be recognized not as aliens in their own home, the right to work and live on the land that gave freedom with is Family. 3. by the mentality in the leadership of different groups or movements that refuse to work together as required by the fundamental mission of His Majesty with regard to the project of the Unity of the African Continent; Finally, we can conclude the countless advantages of the preparatory and organized work of events such as Miazia 27, of Adwa as events that should be proud in a moment all Africans wherever they are, especially on this day in Ethiopia Adiss Ababa, specifically in the monuments with represent the Lion of Judah, The Victory. This is a great opportunity to take the moment to really free these days from all these chains that enslave us mentally and physically. As Walter Rodney said, all men have the right to understand the System and fight for its downfall.

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