From the Peace Soldier in Cape Verde to the Prophecy of Peace in Ethiopia

About 10 years ago, a 24-year-old young man who was violently shoted, a few months before, had said a word to me while he was filming me in the middle of a peace mission: You are a Peace Soldier. When he was dying he request her mama for me and made the following request with tears in his eyes: brother They killed me do justice please. This was the strongest word I've heard in my entire life. In the depths of my soul in silence I said that I would continue this mission towards peace for this call to Justice. At that time, in our city there was a very serious problem of murders of young people. Our job was to dialogue with young people in various communities and try to convince them to put down their weapons and live in peace with each other. We collaborated with the government, companies and families, we organized and mobilized projects, we participated in a consensus on National Peace, bringing together all the actors of civil society. We created a youth dance group called Soldiers of Peace with Africa as its logo. In fact, we were fighting the Urban Wars, an urban phenomenon of foreign influence, namely of young returnees from the USA to Cape Verde, which was fundamentally based on a lack of national consensus at the ministerial and community level on the best strategies for its eradication. In 4 years of living in Ethiopia, after 12 years, I came to a conclusion: the only problem that prevents the union of African nations is the lack of Peace, specifically Peace in Ethiopia. Across the continent, terrorism and wars are problems of POWER. Africa, during the process of decolonization, the Colonial powers practically rejected the idea of the total independence of African peoples that was being demanded for several centuries. Wars are Africa's biggest problems, contrary to what many people think. Ethiopia as it was not colonized by taking the position of trying to lead the liberation of Africans and bring Peace to Africa and the world, was buying a big problem against the Power of the West through its Emperor Haille Selassie I crowned king of kings, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judha, chosen by God, Prince of Peace, defender of the Faith, power of the Holy Trinity. Since May 25, 1963, with the founding of the Organization of African Unity, the country began to be boycotted in all possibilities of this spiritual mission for the redemption of African man. The more than 80 Ethiopian ethnicities, which practically represent the peoples of entire continent and humanity, for decades have being suffered the consequences of this vision of African Peace an Unity. In All Africa, Genocides, Kidnappings, Coups, Terrorisms, famines and diseases are products of the Neocolonial System, that is, of the absence of Peace on the continent. Ethiopians are the only peoples in the World capable of understanding their Africanness now to bring Peace to the World through the Unity of Africa. Peace is a spiritual value, for those who seek it there is no greater reward. Peace is not a bargaining chip, much less a job but a mission. Peace will only be understood when all African peoples around the world understand their reason for existence through the education of their spiritual and natural roots. Like one brother said in a meeting Try to make Peace is Dangerous. We know but he is IGZIABER. As a Young Guitarist from the band Selam Africa said: I had heard the word Africa before but I didn't know what it meant. After these four years I started to believe that Africa is the truth so I never give up on this path towards this vision Selam Africa.

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