We often don't realize that very complex and deficient problems can find solutions that are much simple than we imagine.

It was in this sense that we decided to open the Selam Africa project by starting the campaign 100 bags and 1000 notebooks for our Community produced by ourselves in our own center.

The idea of ​​giving every African child a bag and notebooks in order to promote Peace in Ethiopia for the Unity of Africa is charged with symbolic and spiritual energy  if our minds begin to work towards finding a solution to the biggest problem in the world.   The big problem of African peoples is the disunity and lack of concertation on effective strategies.

In this case we should be the first  exemple in our Center in order to forward our Foundation in a great step for the Generaation.

A bag, a notebook and a pen, said school supplies in general, are important objects that initiate most human beings to a new psychological dimension of responsibility towards the society.

In these 12 years, if the reader pays close attention to our path in this work, he will realize that after all we were exactly designed by the movement we created and not vice-versa as we are used to thinking.

But why are we being carried away by a certain current? In fact because we are the continuity of the struggle if we act in accordance with the principles and laws of the Ideology of life that we chose in our specifically  case the  EthioPanafricanism.

In my childhood I even remember using plastic bags to take notebooks and books to school which meant that my parents were poor and couldn't afford a backpack.

In the middle of the 21st century I was disgusted one day to see a child with a punctured plastic bag hanging in his hand and even sadder with a zero on the written test given by is teacher. It was enough for the boy to be poor, but nothing was as if they were condemning him for life.

This could be just a funny story but it is happens right now every day in many part of our country in Africa: Lack of school material but also the quality or alternative education as Deug is doing with the Musical and Sewing area for example.

Now we are willing to test our ability not only to produce our own bags, but also to choose the materials that our country produces to do so.

In the case of notebooks it is the same. The drawings that illustrate our school notebooks have nothing to do with our local, national or continental reality.

Returning to the subject of our boy, many children have skills in areas that are not understood by the teachers themselves, that's why we ended up including the methodology of teaching Pan-Africanism through Musical and community social action itself.

Our 5 organizations that have joined together in a consortium each one have a responsibility and a duty to act so that this project is understood by all without falling into the temptation of thinking that it is, after all, another simplistic and superficial social charitable initiative.

In fact, it is a simple initiative but it carries effective symbolic meanings when the group perceives and acts in a single direction towards the main objective.

The missions of the 5 organizations are structured and magnetically circle around a great vision: Ethiopanafrican Center.

These 5 organizations focus on areas such as: 1. Pan-Africanism and Community Action, 2. Quality Education; 3. Environment and Sustainability; 4. Visual Art and 5. Music.

These 5 organizations have a specific responsibility regarding the Selam project. In the end the relationships and the activities and experiences of each will have a great meaning in our main goal.

From 100 bags and 10 thousand notebooks we can go to millions and from one country we can go through all of Africa.

But than this is that the bags and notebooks will be carried and carried by children today but tomorrow conscious, resilient and resistant men in centers that have multiplied from just one across Africa.

From bags and notebooks, we started to share deep knowledge in more diverse areas of knowledge production.

We will let our Pilot initiative be able to present itself and maintain success, one that will be dictated solely by history as Prof Lumumba said in his speech in South Africa at the beginning of August 2022.

Welcome to help us open this great campaign. From now on, follow the videos, photographs and testimonies of each of the several people involved in this process from the 20th of September.

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