Ethiopian Wake Up and Free from Mental Neocolonialism: Now any moment your time can be closed.

I came very far from the West Africa, not the region of Africa where Kwame Nkrumah came in May 63, but from Cape Verde, where Amílcar Cabral, the hero man who freed my people from Portugal slavery and opression for 550 years "reborn", in the first African country to be colonized and transformed into the main base for the Mental and Phisical and piritual Prison of African man across the Pilorinhu Monument in Cidade Velha, also one of the first City make by European in Africa. In my country of birth I lost all hope, moving to Senegal, with is no more and no less, but the caming to Ethiopia is for return to free my country again from Neocolonialism. The trip to Ethiopia began to be precisely prepared with all firmness on March 27, 2018, in Senegal when I felt before a revelation, but also but also a desire of many years to know the mentality of an African people that was never colonized. When I arrived in this country I found her in a great revolution: the transition to a new Government after 27 years, which had also before transitioned from the last Imperial Government in Ethiopia through 17 years of Red Terror of Mengistu Haile Mariam. This last Ethiopian Government looked like it was promised to bring not only Ethiopian Salvation but also all Africa Liberation from the very first day of the DERG, in 44 years ago, since 1974. The message I brought to Ethiopia is not a new message in content but it is absolutely new for its time and space, and one that I fully embrace: ደግ 27 a vision for Africa. Two years later, in 2020 the country plunged again in a war as a result of this transition that has lasted until now. This war once again left a part of the population in unprecedented misery, further complicating the situation of a newly born government. The World silently watched this spectacle until the NO MORE movement came, a movement that immediately mirrored the renaissance of the world spirit of the year 1936, although for the most part now more on the side of the Diaspora Ethiopians themselves. America and Europe accused the Federal Government which in turn denounced Neocolonialism, making it the watchword of that movement NO More. Also in the midst of this war Mali, through a coup d'état declared fully independent from France, making it the first African country to show its desire to free itself from Neocolonialism in this last time. Shortly after this war in Ethiopia was shown to have ceased, Russia declared war on NATO across neighboring Ukraine. This event marked the end of the Covid 19 pandemic, entry into a new media dynamic of a world about an imminent danger of Nuclear Holocauto, largely declared after 3 months of the great conference of 1963 in Addis Ababa in UN by his Imperial Haile Selassie I. In my vision on March 27, 2018, the main message was war. I couldn't decode the message at the time, which only happened living these last 4 years in Ethiopia. my only objective is not to come to take the place of anyone but to come to give my contribution as far as possible for Peace in Africa, the fundamental basis for everything that the African man needs to get out of this long suffering and injury for centuries. After I arrived, I started to study the country's history a lot and deepen my knowledge about Pan-Africanism, something that had started concretely about 15 years ago. Today after getting to know the country, studying its history better, know his peoples, institutions I came to a very simple conclusion: THE WORLD Will STOP AT ETHIOPIA'S FEET. BUT THE COUNTRY MUST UNITE ALL IS PEOPLES FIRST. This is a biblical message no doubt in the orthodox tradition, in the Solomonic passages, but it is also a historical and political message, both ancient and current, expressed at the last major conference for the Founding of the Organization of African Union. Colonial history in fact had its definitive stop to enter a Neocolonial process this May 1963, 27 years later in 1936 with the invasion that awakened the world of African intelligence. The message since 59 years is very clear with all the consequences it could have: Ethiopians of the new generation you must be prepared for this revolution, an evolution to bring a real awareness of the Ethiopian people and his tradition with represent all African. The total liberation of Africa is in Ethiopia's hands and it must be now and not another time. Happy those who believed in this revelation and developed a great Action for its briefest realization before it is too late, uniting all their children in a true awareness of the fundamental responsibility of this Glorious and worthy Nation to raise the African flag. But the option is yours, only you can decide like one South Sudan Young said i can help you but we can not do it for yoU.

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