Pan-African Conferences: Paradoxes of Enchanted Voices

The Pan-African Conferences are the result of historical, social, cultural and political research that the Ethiopan-African Center will make available with meetings for the general public from now on, specifically considering his origin with Henry Silvester William in London July 1900 to for the first time put a public discussion at a conference on Native African Races. To usit is a way of awakening, inviting and attracting all people who share the same feelings about total African sovereignty through debates, speeches, and voices. Therefore, these conferences have as main objective to remember and honor several dates that encompass the most important historical facts not only for Africa but for all humanity, at the same time that we will be giving voices to the peripheries of the System about their visions. Considering that for a long time Neo-colonialism has managed to occupy practically every space of our daily life, it is increasingly necessary to use the tools that our ancestors left us for the "decolonization" of the mind according to Frantz Fanom. The Ethiopan-African Center will mobilize the necessary resources through donations, voluntary work to achieve its goal, which is to hold a series of Pan-African commemorative events. Let us enumerate some examples of these historical phenomena: 1. The Haityan revolution 1791 2. Birth and Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Haille SelassieI 3. The Battle of the Adwa of 1896 4. Pan-African Conferences and Congress, 1900 until now 5. Yekatit 12; 1936 6. Victory Day, 1941 7. Births of the Fundamental Leaders of African Independence. 8. Others These celebrations will be publicized through our own Midia Alternativos on our digital channel blog, You-Tube, etc. but also through newspapers and publications. We hope that all voices can express themselves and join this initiative. Our voices combined with actions on the ground in communities will be the greatest weapons that those present and future generations may have to legitimize any universal human right, many of which we are denied the most important: peace and the betterment of life. The great challenges facing the world today are twofold: preserving peace and improving the living conditions of this poor half of the world. These are, of course, mutually interdependent. Without peace, it is useless to speak of improving man's lot; and without such improvement, the task of securing peace becomes many times more difficult. The attack on these two problems must be done simultaneously, and all our actions must be taken towards the solution of both." HIM Selected Speeches, INTERNATIONAL POLICY World's Major Challenges, page 167

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