Ethiopia the Eternal Torch of the African Revolution

The teachings of His Majesty Haille Selassie I were very clear about the call for the Coming of the African people here in Ethiopia in order to continue the Foundation to Africa Unite: "it is no less important that we know where we come from. awareness of our past is essential for establishing our personality and our destiny as an African". During the early periods of the birth of Pan-Africanism as a political ideology of Protestation again neocolonialism, Africans descended from different colonies, especially the English one, began to meet for the first time to discuss the main questions about the issue what Magesty has alerted. Both in London, Paris, USA, Caraibes and in Africa these movements were very aware of what had to be done for the complete liberation of African in the hand of Withe Supremacy Order. When His Majesty visited Trinidad Tobego, Haity and Jamaica in the 1966's, this visit had a symbolic and historical impact for the Caribbean peoples who had long awaited for this moment. Many Afro-descendants were aware, through information from the various resolution of the movements and groups, conferences, congresses that began to emerge and debate these mean issues. We can say that students, researchers, sportspeople, artists, leaders of political parties of African Society, descent from French, English, Belgian, German, Portuguese and also Caribbean natives, from 1900 to 1960, already had a general framework of the Panorama da Luta Africana for the Independence. Many African Organizations engendered the Pan-African Vision were decisive for Black Consciousness in all the world: Henry Sylvester Willians founder of African Association 1897, NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in 1910, created by Dr. Du Bois, the UNIA - UNIVERSAL Negro Improvement Association by Marcus Garvey in 1920, the Nation of Islam created in 1930 in the USA by Wali Fard Muhammad, EWF - Ethiopian World Federation in New York with DR. Melako Bayen in 1937 created in order to support Ethiopia against the Italian invasion, Ethiopian Patriots led by commanders Ras Abebe Aregay who continued the struglee during the five years Italian Ocupatio 1936-1941, the Black Phanters in Usa 1966 among many others. This Protest Revolutionary Movement, which took on a political, cultural, sporty, artistic, religious and even spiritual character, were the most important phenomena of the 20th century and that, on the contrary was the most ignored in Universal History. On the other side of the Atlantic sea Amílcar Cabral founded the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde PAICV in 1954 and together with the MPLA - Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, they created the Anticolonialist Movement - MAC in 1957 which included leaders from all 5 Portuguese colonies in Africa, the last to gain independence in Africa under the Salazarism, the fascist leader of Portugal. The MAC country groups were practically one of the last that received great efforts from the Emperor of Ethiopia until their independence through the founding of the African Union in 1963. Started in 1963 the Wailers founded by Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Bunny walerThe 1970s were marked by musical events to raise awareness of the return of Africans to Africa. Bob Marley's 1977 album Exodos launches the prophet into one of the leading voices of Pan-Africanism with several other reggae artists following suit. The music, War, Africa Unite, One Foundation, Get Up Stand Up and Redeption Song are on the list of hundreds of songs by the group that sing the emancipation of the African man. Finally, the spirit of these different our ancestors, these conferences, congresses, parties and movements from the Americas, the Caribbean, Europe to Africa had their final phase in the great torch lit of the Foundation of the Organization of the African Union in 1963. It will not be a reason for pride for all conscious Africans to unite in a single voice and make appeals to this Victorious Nation for its fundamental responsibility which is to take Africa's destiny in its own hands us Bob marley profetize: "Africa Unity cause we´re moving right out of Babylon and we´re going to our father´s land". Now we ask brothers and sisters why are we standing still and disunited is we know that: 1. since 1460 the Portuguese settled in the Cape Verde Islands to prepare an ideal base for colonization that lasted 5 centuries for their colonies what they spread to all the caribbeans with the collaboration of spanish, english and french; 2. Until the launch of the black code by Louis XIV of France in 1685 to the abolition of slavery with Lincoln in 1863; 3. 122 years of protestation started in 1900 with the first Panafrican Conference in Londom; Last UA conferences in Addis Ababa in February 2022 Prime Minister in his speech he talk about the importance today of the Pan-African Vision and the idea of unity. Is it due to lack of resources to do this great dutty? The answer is affirmatively NO. Because all historical, social, political, cultural and spiritual resources are right now in front of us and lit Torch to show us the right path traced as we have indicated in all of our splanation. Abebe Bikila, the first Black African to win an Olympic Gold in 1960, when they ask him why he run barefoot he said “I wanted the world to know that my country, Ethiopia, has always won with determination and heroism." Bibliography LAST, Geoffrey, ET PANKHURST, Richard: a History of Ethiopia in Picture, Arada Books 7Ediction 2018 WADE, Abdoulaye; un destin pour l´Afrique, KARTALA, France, 1989. IMPORTANT UTTERANCES OF HIM EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE, ADDIS ABABA ETHIOPIA, 1963-1972 Ethiopia Observer, Special Issue on the Addis Ababa Summit Conference, Vol. 7 nº 1, 1963 RASTAMAN SAIT, volume 2 by Ras DLO LEVI, Kennington 2004 9. NATH & Company : La vita e le Canzoni del profeta « rasta » Napoli, 1997

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