Little time will be needed for us to understant this Question.
During a bloody War for Power between the Federal Government of Ethiopia and the TPLF- Tigrean People Liberation Front (represent the partye i tribe call Tigrean) since the beginning of November 2020, the tensions created between the parties immediately led to the position of different International allies thirsty for the fundamental resources of this most important area in the world: the East of Africa: comprising Sudan, Djibouty, Kenya, Somalia and Eritrea specifically comprising areas bordered by the River Nile Very quickly the US together with the European Union condemned these act of war. Therefore China, Russia Turkey and India sided with Ethiopia. With the advance of this very big problem for Africa in Ethiopia, the international media began to create propaganda like the ones they did in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. The Government of Ethiopia began to respond these media and economic wars through its specific intelligences by creating a national public opinion to dismantle all what he understand as the fake news: expelling diplomats and redefining all their national media. The concrete result of this public opinion mobilised can be called: NO MORE, that is, it is essentially a national response to the phenomenon of international media propaganda, but also a fundamental strategy for the mobilization of its youths for engaged in this War, and also from mobilization of international partners and neighboring African countries with could be affected also. As we know, Ethiopia has a diaspora spread to the four corners of the world, which would be a specific and direct tool for the demystification of the advertisements launched by the main international television and journalistic channels. The Ethiopian people as usual responded to the mass appeal and demonstrated across Europe and America over the Ethiopian Flag in front of the international organizations. Another important factor of this movement is its easy symbiosis that could be made with all Ethiopia's resistance against foreign interference mobilizing its people and the diaspora, as happened in the two great battles against Italy. Thus, a global struggle against Imperialism and colonialism was immediately assumed, with its main spokesperson being the Prime Minister, who at the same time claimed through social networks for the intervention of Pan-Africanism as the fundamental weapon in this new struggle. Walking along this line he managed to gain trust from several leaders of Pan-Africanist movements, like Kemi Seba for example and several others. The Ethiopian Government has tried to mobilize several African countries to its cause for what it considers a new vision for Ethiopia with new allies that it believes will solve all its main internal and external problems and to project the future of the new Ethiopian generation. The western world never really paid any attention to this last Ethiopian Wars, and the latter was not the other way around. We can say that it was a great opportunity that both the United Nations and the European Union missed to create a basis to avoid and resolve the current conflict between Russia, Ukraine, NATO and the European Union. They had lost the perfect case study, that was the solution to the NO MORE equation. Instead, they once again played in the field of safeguarding their geostrategic interests, preferring to let the blood of African men spill over. To conclude, can we accept that the NO MORE Movement or Enough would be Ethiopia's last ultimatum in the face of Neocolonialism? The Ethiopian Prime Minister himself admitted in his speech at the 35th African Union conference in front of all states leaders present in Addis Ababa that the vision from now on would be the Pan-Africanism. But did his compatriots present take his message seriously as in 1963 when his Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie raised the same Panafrican concern warning that "divided we fall and united we will win, the same word that PM repetead? Will the heads of states present be able to resist the charmed songs of the neocolonialist siren ? Or they will choose to lose with them this most important battle of humanity? Paradoxically, the head of the State of Mali, and many other civil society actors in the crystal palace, whose was not present at this summit, often taken as a joke by the foreign forces present in the observation, were the only one who was clearly taking up this ideology, that the Ethiopian head of state ordered to be the fundamental guide to take his new Governmental Cast towards the Africa that we all aspire to. : Unity and Prosperity. Will Prime Minister Abye Ahmed be able to take Ethiopia out of its Ethiopianism Comfort Zone and assume the historical responsibility of Pan-Africanism through the No More Movement by directly supporting the Malian Government, Guinea Conakry and Burkina Faso in this concrete phase of PANAFRICANISM? Ethiopianism Confort Zone defines this many of this new Ethiopian generation who do not want to understand the responsibility of this country with the destiny of Africa and all the aspirations contested at all times in history of resistance against the abuse of Imperialism and Colonialism. The true conception of Ethiopianism is the representation of the truth about Africa that Ethiopia represents.

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