From the Seed in The West to the Tree in Sion

These 12 years of this journey from 2010 to 2022, Cape Verd to Senegal and Ethiopia give to us now this important Goal: Ethiopanafrican Center, a movement centered, organized and focused on Ethiopia to Unite Africa. This is not an invention but simply a revelation known to all us. Ethiopia is the African country that represents for us the Victory of today and forever again the Colonialism and Neocolonialism Sistem. I would just like this example of past experience to serve as a basis for building the present and projecting the future in our own optics. After reading all the 12 chapters you will know that in fact the first year 2010 was for us the preparation of the ground to launching the seed in the land, and the last for the flowers before the fruit of the African Unity. The metaphor of the Seed, the Earth and the Tree has always been present in our life in the bible also. This vision was born when I was thinking about a Free Family Farming project: the Book Liguey, so that all people can start and breathe cleaner air from a forest from garbage both in Senegal and Cape Verde as is now happening with our group of Ethiopians and Sudanese. If we don't unite to take care of our own land who will do it? How can we have the fruits for our food without watering? And if one of us leaves for other lands who will continue the mission? The Pan-African Revolution was a seed that sprouted a TREE . Did theses new African leaders are continue to care for these Trees, or did they simply abandon it in the doubt that they would not survive and gave the Fruit what we need for live? We are not talking about religion and much less about any ideological fanaticism, but simply about the legitimate right to defend our moral, historical, cultural and political principles in our mama Africa. Bringing only these 12 Initiatives does not mean that only they were carried out. Even before the year 2010, the period that we consider INITIATION for us, we had begun to awaken our attention to follow this option, that is, to fight and continue the work of the struggle for the Liberation and Unity of our Continent. I entered the University in the academic year 2005/2006 at the age of 27 to study Intervention Sociology. These 05 years were marked by the youth social situation that was in our country, namely a wave of violence unprecedented in the history of our Nation: thousands of young people and families were ruined in a small country of little more or less 500 thousand inhabitants and 9 inhabited islands. It was at this moment that I felt that the community itself was calling me to an action of Leadership itself. From the very first moment I took on this challenge until today. In this journey of several years, many did not understand and are still resisting because of a system that puts them on a level of survival and extreme poverty, continuing to lead the nation as a neocolonialist philosophy. It was for this reason that we decided to leave my born country in 2016 to go to Senegal to prepare a trip to one of the oldest states in the world that has never been colonized, in the hope that this people will accept the proposal as naturally and them responsibility to. In that time I started to overstand also I should not consider and limited my self to the nationalism but for to be always a simple African who want give is contribute for the Humanity as said Cabral the revolutionary. In the course of the 5 year here in Ethiopia I overderstood that the true solution to all problems not only in Africa but in the whole world is the Peace in Ethiopia. This region is very important for Africa and the world. Until the Ethiopians overstand this cause that has disappeared from their Mental, Cultural and Spiritual programed, since the fall of Emperor Haille Selassie by the neocolonialist imperialist regimes, 49 years ago is a great challenge that we should all honor. The choice to join this cause is yours, but the truth is that Africa deserves to lead its own destiny from the hands of its main mental oppressors: the Neocolonialism.

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