Ras Munda Uvé 12 Years, 12 Initiatives, 2012 to 2022: Chapter 8: The Bok Liguey Project in Senegal

Bok Liguey which means in Wolof language, national language of Senegal means we work together is a community vegetable garden project created in Senegal during the year 2017 in Villa Mariste, Dakar. The main component of the project was the occupation of a part of land within a closed condominium for urban agriculture. The idea was to invite about 10 families who lived in the condominium to work together and collaborate collectively in the production and food autonomy from the 300m2 of land. In addition to the production of vegetables and fruits, this space would be used for training in agricultural techniques. The children and teenagers began to learn the techniques of plant production, cleaning and land treatment. We managed to mobilize the water for the land through a small underground water pump next to the space. Another part was for medicinal plants. The people who were in charge of this project were unfortunately unable to continue the project, leaving today only a few Moringa plants. The space was also thought to be a green area within this small village. The Deug Deug 65 and Deug 27 project was inspired from within this space on March 27, 2018. https://www.facebook.com/search/photos/?q=bok%20leggu%C3%A9ey%20-%20agriculture%20familiale%20bio

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