Ras Munda Uvé 12 Years, 12 Initiatives, 2012 to 2022: Chapter 11 : The Foundation DEug 27

After 3 years in Ethiopia we clearly oversderstood the meaning of our journey and the direction of this great vision. These years of experiences and sharing with Ethiopians and people from different countries we reached the conclusion after studying the history, politics and culture of the country that was the ideal nation to materialize the great cycle of our work that began in Cape Verde. The Foundation basically represents the tree that has grown from Simenti during the 12 years to guarantee our continent the Peace, Unity and Progress main motto of the first Ghetto Parliament in 2012. The Nex step Selam Africa should be the Flower and the Fruits for the Childreens in Africa (Amem) The Foundation began with elements from Cape Verde, Ethiopia, South Sudan and the USA. Today we are about 50 people working in a small space with several sewing machines, a small vegetable garden, a Pan-African Library; a Multimedia room, Space for Musical Training and classes on the history of Pan-Africanism. The organization is currently working on the Selam Africa Project (Peace for Africa) under the motto Peace in Ethiopia for the Unity of Africa. After the Climb the Mountain project, financed by the Austrian Development Agency; which will be finished in September of this current year 2022, one project specifically for the acquisition of more equipment in the area of sewing and music and professional training for the formation of a Social Brand registered through a Family Company and a Youth Musical Band, we are now moving towards the Selam Africa Initiative, the last Stage of our 12-year journey. https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=%E1%8B%B0%E1%8C%8D%20%E1%8D%B3%E1%8D%AF%20%E1%8D%8B%E1%8B%8D%E1%8A%95%E1%8B%B4%E1%88%BD%E1%8A%95%20-%20deug%2027%20foundation

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