(One of the First Mother Meeting to help in the Peace Process, 12 years Before)
In 2010 I was one of the men inspired for a great mission: PEACE in my Country. At that time, several murders began among young people in almost every community in our city.
These Youths were part of a 3rd Generation gangster group imported from the USA and who constituted the first generation of the phenomenon.
This new generation had possession of fireguns and other weapons, fear and tribulations were taking away the tranquility not only of the families but also of the State itself.
During my university studies, my main focus of attention was this phenomenon, doing my research in the Central jail, interviewing dozens of young peoples.
The first intervention was called UVI: Unite we will win for Inclusion. This initiative was unprecedented and opened the door to a great vision of Africa.
My monograph work was recognized as a national award in Research and Local Development.
Today when we go for a walk in community where I was born, I am sure that those who participated in these events will remember this initiation that has brought benefits to many peoples.
Of course, not everyone was satisfied with the time because they simply didn't continue or maybe it is them choice. Our goal 12 years ago was to create a foundation capable of responding to any crisis.
We essentially wanted to unite the community to defend its interests in the hands of those who had the Power and who didn't want to give it up.
It is only now with time that I am understanding why God has drawn this path.
Ras Munda Uve, 12 years with 12 Initiatives: Chapter 1 The Youth Integration Project : UVI 2010