Ras Munda Uvé, 12 years with 12 Initiatives : Chapter 3: The Ghetto Parliament

(Participation of the Soldier for Peace Group in the Ghetto Parliament Event) The Ghetto Parliament is an initiative that emerged after the youth conference in Calabaceira in 2012. After this conference, 6 more Ghetto Parliaments were organized, the first being on January 20, 2012 in Achada Grande Frente. This Parliament was a set of community meetings that are the basis of the Current Activist Movement of the year 2013. These meetings aimed to make young people aware of peace. Every month we brought together young people from different communities to discuss the main needs and solutions to community problems. The initiative was organized by several organizations: Espaço Aberto, Projecto Simenti, Acrides, Afrocentricus, Casa Lata, among other organizations in Achadinha, Pensamento Vila Nova. This was a kind of Popular Comicio that gave the young participants a great opportunity to express their voices on the Microphones for various communities. It was an opportunity for young people from different communities to meet and organize strategies for unity among the communities, sharing experiences and opinions. Dimas, Nana, CV, Dino, Yaco, Stefania, Lucas, Michel, Uvé, young people from Casa lata and Safende and many others were the main protagonists of this event that marked the year 2012 during the first semester. https://www.facebook.com/ParlamentU-DI-GhettuKAMPANHA-de-entrega-voluntaria-di-ARMA-DI-FOGU-218718384988419

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