Rastafari See The Zionism, Catolicism, Evangelism, and the Nation of the Islam, Capitalism, Socialism and the Comunism: Where they took them Powa to Led the Nation Worldwide?



After 130 years of Rastafari born WE prefer work daily for continue is mission as DEFENDER OF THE FAITH, just the title he had not only in 1930 in the is coronation but when also the Five Ortodox oriental Church give him in the honour for had to organized this historical meeting in Addis Ababa in 1965.


The POWER OF TRINITY, the father of AFRICA UNITY is the message with himself give to  me Ras Munda Uvé in the dream in 2020 in Ethiopia, what are exactly the power of Rastafari need in Ethiopia.


In this Dream he told me in front of a lot of is Folower You should continue your mission.

We Know the Emperor Selassie I one of is most desire is see is Own country- born in Peace for Africa Unite.


He did so many effort to that happens and left to us all instruction what we need for fulfill this great mission.


Today when a give this proposal who is the first to reject him? Ethiopian, Westerns, Caraibeans or Political Agents?


That why i give tanks to Ras Kawintseb with Him send to me to give to us is own experience life in musical way and also had believed so much in Us.


Also he Send Sister Mikaela as angel to talk to sister Isheba Tafari to help us in the “Project Climb the Mountain” with will fnish in this month after 6 months of this journey.


Also Him send  Ses-i Ras with is giving te big contribution in became our International Member in USA were he sold a lot of our product help us sustain this vision.


So much thank go for the Ras Dawit one of the founders of the Frente RasTafari Cabo Verde to started to recognise and help our vision in Ethiopia became our Internacional Member also in Cape Verd.

I give thanks to Ras Karol Jamaican even a paraplegic has early encouraged me through phone so many time calls phone from Cape Verde, being the only Jamaican Rasta who has lived in Cape Verde for over 25 years.


Even in Cape Verde we had never work togheter. I only remember meeting face to face the day he nok the door of the Hotel room where we were a group talking to Ziggy Marley, Bob's son, in Cape Verde.

These that I pointed out are the Rastas who in practice helped me directly and who today are with me every day directly or indirectly, they shared my ideas on social networks.


I went to Shashamene and delivered an official letter of the foundation that we urgently need to put together as time is very important.


But there was no real union for what Africa and Ethiopia need urgently for the world.


The message on the 130th Anniversary of His Majesty, on the 92nd anniversary of his coronation, on the 59th anniversary of the founding of the Organization of African Unity, on the 47th anniversary of the last Solomonic Empire, on the 27th anniversary of the TPLF Regime, on the 17th anniversary of the of Mengistu terror; and 4 years of this last political legislature that reigns Ethiopia, which is also the age of inspiration DEUG 27 is the same TRUTH AND CHARITY, two principles that guide our vision.


In this sense, the Selam Africa, our last Project,  invites everyone once again to raise awareness of your responsibility, remember what the Emperor said in the OAU speech: an awareness of our past is essential to the establishment of our personality and our identity as Africaan... he continue said THE OPPONENTS OF AFRICA´S GROWTH WOSE INTEREST WOULD BE BEST SERVED BY A DIVIDED AND BALKANISED CONTINENT, WOULD DERIVE MUCH SATISFATION FROM THE UNHAPPY SPETACLE OF THIRTY AND MORE AFRICAN STATES TO SPLIT, SO PARALYSED AND IMMOBILISED BY CONTROVERSIE OVER LONG-TERM GOAL THAT THEY ARE UNABLE EVEN TO JOINT HEIR EFFORT IN SHORT TERM MEASURE ON WHICH THERE IS NO DISPUTE.

LET US GIVE NEITHER CONFORT NOR ENCOURAGEMENT TO THESE. (the same think is happens once again and we are make our effort to avoid it as we can for the sake for our ideology and honour for the blood of our ancestral.




I respect all the Rastafari when they  made god think call him GOD in our modern era because we are already tired of the lies of the modern  roman or Israel GOD, all those who were action against our dignity and morality.


But that is not enough work for our generation to be ready to over stand. I hope it is not too late for you to hear these messages because in these last times you have seen all the prophecies happens in front of your eyes.


Shall we remember the prophet Jonah who was carried and forced to fulfill his missions to NINIVE by GOD?

Look to the Zionism movement and compare to Rastafary movement, as Dr. Du Boi said, this was born in Eastern Europe and renveeded as the “chosen people of Israel in direction to promise land” .

Unity and based on their affronts of the Nazi system, today they are one of the greatest powers in the world forming the new state of Israel and continue overwhelming the Palestine People the left their ancestral land.


Now we see the same leaders of these peoples who consider themselves the target of a holocaust are the same ones who, in collaboration with the capitalist and war system, unite to continue to place Africa in eternal underdevelopment.


What about us who spent 5 centuries in the hands of colonialist Europeans and 9 in the hands of Muslim invaders? Aren't reasons and time enough for us to become awareness?

That we were an empire when Israel was not even a state, when America had no machine  invention.


So Rasta please explain  to us  what are we doing today saying that Ethiopia is the Promised land?

Do we have any historical evidence of groups splitting off to live in a promised kingdom?


Shashamane is being destroyed every day by the forces of evil of our mothers. Many Rastafarians are poor, old and children and the leaders who have the greatest strength are competing and do not want to unite.

I see that thing happens every day. Shashamane was, Burning in the 2020 just before they burned the Ras Makonem Statue in Harar the born Citye of His Magesty.

We know with  many old Rasta was injuried in the prisom, They are menace them in they own home, many is in the Court, Last month the order of Nyabing Church has been broken and the movement was not prepared for any action because it was not united and had no economic or ideological strength as a spiritual  movement. WHY?


No protest action on the streets of Addis Ababa with at least 10 family returnees living here but I see more tham 500 Hundred rasta young in the Clube last months togheter dancing and chanting?

Tell me what is the Better for our generation?


But Remember that his majesty is the only emperor of the Solomonic lineage who was crowned in Addis Ababa, where today we build our Foundation in the community that carried his own name: Bella Haille Selassie, nomenclature for those of his generation when he walked through these bands on his white horse to the East mountain to dream of an Addis Ababa capital of Africa.

Our prime minister wants to make an imperial city in this place, a place that could be the ideal representation of the African city. What do you have to say when the final hour comes? What were you waiting for the last trumpet?


We don't need anyone to legitimize the defense of our race, our Foundation will follow by the power of the oly spirit until the construction of the Ethiopan African Temple, the Temple of the truth that Africa is the cradle of Humanity.

This is the best honor we can have as an African and not choose to sell the shed blood of our ancestors and most of all dignify The Power of the Holy Trinity


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