The Ethiopia Conference to launch the national debate on Peace for African Unity (English version)

Peace and the Unity of Africa are clearly symbolized in the coronation of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie, on 2 November 1930 as King of Kings, Defender of Peace, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Power of the Holy Trinity. The World in place of the Truth of Peace, put the Truth of War, from Unity to Division, from Development to Extreme Poverty, from water and nature to garbage. This exchange clearly symbolizes the African continent impoverished because of wars and disunity towards with others. Peace and the Unity of Africa are clearly symbolized in the institution of the coronation of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie, on 2 November 1930 as King of Kings, Defender of Peace, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Power of the Holy Trinity. The World in place of the Truth of Peace, put the Truth of War, from Unity to Division, from Development to Extreme Poverty, from water and nature to garbage. This exchange clearly symbolizes the African continent impoverished because of wars and disunity towards others. Peace is the fundamental requirement for Prosperity and normal Life of any Nation. Since 1974 with the Red Verror regime that lasted 17 years, this project of unification and liberation of the centralized African man from Ethiopia became an illusion which in fact it was not. First of all, the Western-backed Mengistu Haile Mariam regime had as its main slogan: a Revolution without Blood. In fact, it was only a few months to wait for all Ethiopians to begin to understand the model that this new leadership was bringing, going down in African history as one of the worst bloodthirsty regimes in the world. Many people still today criticize the imperial regime that preceded it: But what is the reason for this criticism of a “Dictator of Peace” who today in the middle of 2022 here in Ethiopia and abroad is considered one of the maximum figures of this Ideal of Pan-Africanism. How did this new generation and even many soldiers who worked with Mengistu still believe in this option today? An answer that the conference could make clear with the testimony of both sides and the conclusions that history left us. If Mengistu and his followers today were right, why does he himself, alive and in exile in Tanzania, not give us his own testimony and prefer silence until he dies with a secret that he carries in his soul? After all, what is the true responsibility of the leader of the African nation? This man's final project was the implementation of nuclear bombs by the same Nation that swore allegiance to take Africa away from this terrible danger to Humanity by representing the OAU in front of the UN. This type of project has haunted and continues to haunt the total destruction of humanity as we see now in the latest threat declared on Russian television against any attempt to directly involve in “their war”, even if it calls into question the UN, justifying that it has no morality to defend the humanitarian cause of World Peace. Going further than the discussion between the UN Leader and Russia in Moscow, he made it clear weeks later when he fictionalized on television the total destruction of England, France and Germany in a single moment, which would officially mean the declaration of a 3rd World War. . This science fiction film went unnoticed by African leaders who, instead of reflecting on its contents and taking radical positions, stood idly by smiling with each other like animated dolls in front of their spectators. We Pan-Africanists are wasting a lot of time on justifications and the fundamental reasons for Africa's need to unite. It seems that we are being like children attached to repetitions about problems that everyone knows but that do nothing, waiting for our leaders who are therefore waiting for the leaders of Europe and the USA and others to do it for them, always justifying the lack of means as the main reasons. In the book Panafricanism by Colin Legum 1964, an aspect that caught my attention right from the beginning is that the author said that he did not intend to take part in Panafricanism because he wanted to analyze this movement with maximum objectivity in order to understand and judge it, but accepted that no one had the capacity to refuse the force of its dynamism. He posed a big question: but who can say with any degree of confidence where it will lead? Perhaps the time was too early for this conclusion, but today any student of the matter can also say that the current African leaders are not interested in Pan-Africanism but in Capitalism and support for Imperialism, and even worse that they do not accept the existence of its neocolonialist and their practices in people's lives justifying that they are conspiracy theories. Anyway, today after 60 years of “decolonized Africa” analyzing history it is not an exaggeration to know that we know where we have failed: 1. We have failed to freely accept this new democracy which emphasizes the power of the oligarchy over the people and spiritual leadership; 2. We fail to accept as normal that there is no justice for the murder of our top African leaders; 3. We fail to accept that the destiny of our countries is led from the outside; 4. We fail to disbelieve in the project of His Imperial Majesty, Defender of Peace for the total Liberation of African Man from the Foundation of African Unity. 5. We fail to think that each African country must work in isolation from the others in terms of agreements with its ex-colonizing partners; 6. We have failed as African nations not to unite until today after 100 years of our participation in the arena of international politics from SDN to UN to OAU to AU, in failing to be a permanent member of the UN Security Council, knowing clearly that humanity cannot survive without our natural and human resources; 7. We have failed to be indebted to the head by the IMF who have reserves of gold that are taken from our own nations; For us the answer today was and will always be crystal clear: the cornerstone of the Foundation is Peace in Ethiopia for the Unity of the African Continent. If Ethiopians themselves understand their true destiny and way to start thinking about prioritizing peace in the region above any investment, considering an emergency with practical and educational programs, it is certain that neo-colonialism will have no chance of surviving, when she herself is already in her terminal phase connected to her own Imperialist and Capitalist machine. These are the questions that we were interested in debating with you at the Ethiopan-African conference later this year 2022 in Addis Ababa, so that the debate can be launched to the general public before tomorrow no one comes to say that they have never been asked about this matter so urgent for Humanity. Bibliography LEGUN, Colin; PAN-AFRICANISM; A Short Political Guide, Second Ediction, FREDERICK A. PRAEGER, Publishesrs USA, 1965, pp5.

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