May 63, after 59 years of the OUA Foundation, historic conclusions of our generation! (English version)

The Liberation of Africa Day was made official on May 25, 1963, at the end of the great conclave whose primary objective was to establish the Organization of African Union in Addis Ababa- Ethiopia. Leaders of 32 countries received a warm welcome, through Emperor Haille Selassie I where they signed the Charter of the African Union, the one that came to represent the cornerstone of the entire system of the fight against the oppression of the African people since 5 centuries of Euro-American colonization. The final banquet of the King dressed in a black suit, white shirt and a small black bow at the neck represented the celebration of what would be the cornerstone for the consolidation of the dream: United Africa. The final banquet of the King of King dressed in a black suit, white shirt and a small black bow at the neck represented the celebration of what would be the cornerstone for the consolidation of the dream: United Africa. This noble For His Majesty Haile Selassie I this organization would not only be the basis for the Unification of the continent but also a proposal for World Peace, and especially the defense against the eminent Nuclear Holocaust for future generations. The conclusions were presented 2 months later in front of the leaders of all the world's nations in New York in 04 october 1963. The speech made in Amharick language, later took the form of Bob Marley's musical lyrics WAR and was sung at Siro, Milano Italia in 1980 in a concert that was attended by 110 thousand people, considered the biggest concert by the guitarist, but also on several stages around the world, the song was released in 1976 from the album ras ta man Vibration one of the most militant King of Reggae. In fact, as His Majesty underlined at the beginning of his speech in New York, the year 1963 had marked 27 years when the League of Nations (now the United Nations) idly watched Mussolini's Fascist Italy genocide a free people and a member of this same Society in the heart of the capital of Addis Ababa, an organization that, on the contrary, should safeguard Peace, Equality and Justice for all peoples, especially those who were most weakened by their same system of oppression and exploitation. However, this invasion, humiliation and oppression of a free people, which lasted 5 years, did nothing more than fan the flame of the revolution and the resistance not only of Ethiopians but of Africans all over the world to this cause of African Unity and Freedom. discussed at various conferences and congresses since the year 1900 in London, passing through Paris, New York, Accra, Bandung, Dar-es Salam, Cairo, etc. remission raised the ashes of a dark past towards the fire of Freedom, towards a glorious future of our continent, through the projection of a Unitary and Revolutionary Government. The cynicism and silence of the colonialist nations in the face of this unprecedented human tragedy that was immortalized on national days in Ethiopia: February 19th and May 05th (yekatit 12 and Miazia 27 of the years 1937 and 1941 respectively) the first being the massacre and the second release with the glorious entry of the emperor to his reign that he had left in exile for England to start the great journey of international diplomacy in defense of human rights. The attempt to colonize the only African country left to colonize the entire continent, consolidated itself in a system of oppression and massacre directed by the Italian militias, had as the 1st divine judgment predicted by the emperor himself in the first moment of its expression in Geneva in 1936. with the words: the match that was thrown at my kingdom will then set the whole of Europe on fire: which is exactly what happened with the Second World War. May 63 was the highest moment in the history of liberation and the African struggle, although its dream was not fulfilled today as it was predicted because of betrayals by several heads of states present who, accepting the principles of the letter, acted contrary to the their ends, accepting the offers of their former masters in lieu of the freedom they were promised. Nowadays, several conferences and several studies on Africa are accepting that the next wave of Pan-Africanism must take the form of a Government, that is, of the same vision initially proposed by Nkruman and fully supported by Ethiopia in 1963. During this historic conference, Haile Selassie defended in his opening speech the Master Plan for the development of the continent that should contain: an African Industry; A continental road and communication system, an African Development Bank; an African Military Defense System and a Continental University for the preparation of future leaders. Nkwamen Nkrumah and others present were against the idea of ​​taking the unity of the continent in stages, although he knew very well the difficulties, because he considered that they were a huge chance for neocolonialism to destroy this bases of struggle that had just been born. For Haille Selassie and Nkruman, the first major objective was complete liberation, putting all the means to achieve it at the disposal of the nationalists, and in it were the main target countries like Portugal and South Africa that rejected all these possibilities, and acting totally against. These powers were fully supported directly and indirectly by the USA, England, Germany, Belgium, France, among other regimes of colonialist and fascist origin that defended imperialism and capitalism. Ethiopia and the emperor mainly and not only paid the sad price of seeing their country condemned and emerged in the hardest African coup d'état 10 years later: the Derg Regime, known as the red terror, which lasted 17 years, followed by yet another 27-year-old puppet regime until 2018. Not only was Ethiopia succumbed to coups d'etats and genocides, but all those who seriously compromised with the vision paid the price of this freedom with their own blood: Nkwame Nkrumam, Modibo Keita, Sekou Touré and Comrade Amílcar Cabral. If these leaders had opted for the ideas of Haile Selassie and Kwame Nkrumam, Sekou Touré, Modibo Keita and others, the African Government would have been implemented in the 1970s and Cabral, Sankara, Modibo Keita and many others would never be assassinated decades later. As was also said on this day, the generation that will study the pages of history will be able to understand the opportunities that were on the table that day to be served today to all Africans and the whole world. Instead of this, today at the 06 meter long table in Moscow, a conversation for World Peace, by the United Nations leader and the Russian president broadcast online would not be overlooked with the risk of a world Holocaust, even going to be rehearsed and televised a few weeks later on Russian television ataking Paris, Berlim and Londres in one time. Finally our final questions of the result of the historical evidences when completing this puzzle: Will we continue to insist on this goal in the near future? By what means? With whom? and in which country? are the questions I ask the most attentive readers to think about? But I would like to point out that historical examples are the most practical and effective lessons that we can have at hand to decide about our present and future. Collaborate with this initiative, make your choice because the train will not stop and Ethiopia must rise again if its generation allows us, knowing its history and valuing the fundamental contents of the perpetual Charter of the OAU.

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