Ras Munda UVé 12 Years 12 Initiatives: Chapter 5: The Occupation of Abandoned Public Pilorinhu Space

On February 22, 2013, a Municipal Space that had been abandoned for about 12 years was publicly occupied. A group of Youth Mobilized by Korrenti di Ativista and Projecto Simenti cleaned and occupied the center with the main objective of transforming the abandoned space, which was an old fish market, into an alternative space for social, cultural, enveronmental and artistical activities. The initial idea was to transform the space into an International Community Center open to all volunteers and all Africans worldwide. The space was completely rehabilitated little by little and more than 100 projects, initiatives and protocols were carried out for the benefit of the community, the Nation and our continent until today. In 2014, the Pilorinhu Association was made official to manage the space, which made a protocol with the president of the Municipal Chamber. In 2016, the Association won the International Human Rights Award in Italy, an award launched by the organization Opertion Day Work and has been recognized several times. Today the space is totally led by the generation of children and young people who were initiated into activism in this organization. In the Pilorinhu space, there is a small health center with nurses and free consultations, a community garden, accommodation, libraries, Art Sewing Atelier, Carpentry Workshop, Restaurants and Community Tourism Services. https://www.facebook.com/Pilorinhu-187678591414944

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